"Tonight with Boy Abunda April 1 2016 HD Replay", Tonight with Boy Abunda 04/1/2016 is a Filipino late night entertainment talk show program shown on ABS-CBN network hosted by Boy Abunda. It began airing on September 28, 2015. It airs weeknights at 10:50pm to 11:40pm (PST) on the network's Primetime Bidaevening block, which will serve as a transitional show after Kris Aquino's departure from their former show Aquino & Abunda Tonightciting health reasons and schedule conflicts.
Similar to its predecessor, it gives a run-down of daily top stories, with topics raging from showbiz, lifestyle and politics with the promise to deliver its segments "from layman's point of view", and with perspectives on how certain issues can affect viewers' daily lives.
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